Heaven and Earth Alignment


This Session will assist you to have the benefits of being firm in both the Heaven’s and the Earth’s energies with the ability to fluidly shift between the two swiftly and gracefully as needed and desired.

Many of us live our lives mostly functioning from a place that is based in the physical (Earthly) or less physical (Heavenly). Sometimes we find ourselves seemingly standing with both feet firmly in one or the other.

Both the worlds of Heaven and Earth have multitudes of blessings, skills, abilities and perspectives to offer us. Those blessings, skills, abilities and perspectives can actively help us and all those we interact with on a day-to-day basis. The ideal is to be able to have a foot in both worlds and be centered within ourselves, able to use and draw upon either world’s attributes gracefully and fluidly.

When we are functioning from the Heavenly focus there is a wealth of information, tools, perspectives and abilities that are available to us to use and access. We have all this at our disposal. Yet, what often happens is that we aren’t able to ground in and embody all this into the physical vehicle (what we call the “me” and that is reading this right now) because the connection to the physical body and the Earth is shaky, weak or less connected.

When we are functioning from the Earthly focus there is also a wealth of information, tools, perspectives and abilities that are available to us to use and access. When we are firm in our Earthly connection we have a foundation, a center and a base that all that the Heavens offer can become embodied into. Without this foundation and base the higher energies are not so available to be functionally used here and now for benefit of others and ourselves.

The objective of this Session is to assist you to have a foot firmly in Heaven and a foot firmly on the Earth while being centered within the core of your being able to draw on the offerings of both worlds gracefully and fluidly at will.

The benefits of being firm in both the Heavens and the Earths energies with the ability to fluidly shift between the two swiftly and gracefully as needed and desired are profound. We become more effective in our daily life and able to more easily effect change, growth and manifestation personally, as well as interpersonally.

Schedule a session now.

After your payment is processed you will receive a confirmation email with a link to complete the personal information form for your session. Adama will then contact you to schedule a time.

Payment is through PayPal or your credit card.  Amounts shown are in USD.  



Client Experiences

Dear Adama,

Thank you for the session feedback.

One of the things that makes me very happy after this session is how I see and feel now! The plants in my garden look even more vibrant than usual, and coming from my more expanded state, as I breathed in I felt a sense of deep connection and love for them. Where I once felt separate, I now feel a greater sense of connectedness.

I have been practicing the Heaven and Earth meditation. While I was meditating (or perhaps dreaming), I met the Earth Goddess!

I was so happy to receive your message, which was so filled with kindness, sincerity and heart. I felt it very deeply, and it is my treasure. Thank you, Adama.

With Love and Gratitude,
Name withheld by request

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