Align ~ Cleanse

Clear ~ Purify ~ Connect with

Your Higher-Self, Your Divinity

      Facilitated by Adama

Adama works with the subtle or energy body of a person to help create better health and well being on all levels. To understand this work better, it helps to know about the Lightbody and how it affects one’s health.

Benefits of Lightbody Work

  • Direct Transmissions of specific energies
  • Activate Your Self- Healing abilities
  • Clear Compassionate and specific Feedback after Sessions
  • Illuminate what may have been hidden
  • Clearing, cleaning, rebuilding and infusing
  • Honesty, integrity, reliability and heart centered
  • Addressing the underlaying causes of distress and dis-ease
  • A renewal of strength and purpose.
    Greater sense of joy and excitement about life.

The Birthday Session

Welcomes you home back to yourself, your own forgotten alignments and purity.

When we are born into this time, space, point of focus we are usually correctly aligned in our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual pathways. From that moment forward we are shaped by the forces around us …

Axiatonal Alignment

Re-establish connection first of all to the Oversoul so that the Oversoul transmits the appropriate energies through the axiatonal lines to regenerate, and reharmonize the various bodies according to the Divine Blueprint.


Eshyouhod Purification energy is channeled through the Chakra system purifying and clearing years and even lifetimes of accumulated “stuff” that no longer serves you.

The NOW Session

Get Started here …

Addresses whatever, within the various energy bodies, needs attention and work to align, balance, open, infuse, clear, purify, close or set into motion the energetic necessary for your highest good at this point in time.

Wow, I definitely feel so much love not only in my heart but in every cell of my body this morning. What an amazing feeling and what a beautiful gift. There simply are no words to describe it well. So very grateful for all that you do and have done for me. I¹m am very much looking forward to the future and to how things will unfold. I know that great things are in store.

With love and gratitude.

D. L., Japan

Grace & Love Infusion Session

About Adama

Adama is a skilled etheric surgeon. He works with the subtle or energy body of a person to help create better health and well being on all levels. To understand my work better, it helps to understand the Lightbody and how it affects one’s health.

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