Axiatonal Alignment Level 1


This session may be done “hands on” or long distance.

Axiatonal Alignment helps to re-establish connection first of all to the Oversoul. It also reconnects the severed axiatonal lines, and rejuvenates the axial circulatory system. Once the connection has been re-established, the Oversoul transmits the appropriate energies through the axiatonal lines to regenerate, and reharmonize the various bodies according to the Divine Blueprint.

Axiatonal lines lie along the acupuncture meridians, and feed into major spin points that lie near the surface of the skin. Spin points are small spherical vortices of electromagnetic energy that emit Light and Sound frequencies which cause the atoms of molecules in the cells to spin faster. This increased spin creates Light fibers that then create a grid for cellular regeneration. These spin points feed axiatonal energy into the axial circulatory system, and the acupuncture meridians. Every cell in the body also has a spin point. The axial circulatory system connects all the spin points in the body. The connection into the acupuncture meridians is also necessary to ensure that all cellular grids are in harmony. Axiatonal energy continually recharges all bodies, and additionally assists to clear negative emotional and mental patterns.

The reconnection to the Oversoul level acts as the gateway to hook up to even higher levels of Self. As we embrace our Wholeness, Spirit manifests more of IT’s vastness through the body, which allows for greater Light, Love and Wisdom to enter.

Schedule a session now.

After your payment is processed you will receive a confirmation email with a link to complete the personal information form for your session. Adama will then contact you to schedule a time.

I prefer that you pay by check, if possible. I also accept payment via PayPal or your credit card. Amounts shown are in USD.

If paying by check, send it in the mail to Adama Hamilton. (See details at checkout.)


Client Experiences

Good Morning, Adama!

I just would like to tell you that I really feel what you have done on me this morning.

I have not been feeling well lately when I woke up. This morning is almost the first morning, I felt that I was in peace completely when I opened my eyes this morning.

I have tried many things like meditation, affirmation, energy work and exercises. Believe me, I tried so many things to make me back on the track.

I thought these were working really well on me so far, until you gave me the first session 2 nights ago. I literally forgot how I feel when I am connected to my higher self.

Truly, you are a great healer, Adama. I always remember what kind of person I can be in the everyday living after each of your sessions. Then it will fade away gradually from me … I hope I will engrave your session in me for a long time this time and I will try!

Thank you.

Much Love,

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