Heart Opening


Consists of 3 Sessions (described below).

Our heart holds the key to our ability to connect with or multidimensional skills, talents and abilities. Our heart is the gateway of our power to love and be loved. Love is the strongest force in this universe, and our love can perform miracles in our daily lives. Having an open heart enables us to access powers and abilities that seem supernatural to those with a closed or less open-heart.

Our ability to love, to radiate love and stay in a loving frequency may be one of the greatest gifts we can give others, this planet and ourselves. The power of the heart to see and know transcends the intellect and is one of our greatest allies and assets in manifesting and living in this world the way we truly want, as well as navigating difficult and challenging times and circumstances.

Our heart opening session consists of three complementary sessions given approximately 7 days apart. Each of the three sessions builds on the previous session and is uniquely designed for each person who receives it. Feedback will be given after each session and recommendations will be made to assist in the clearings, openings and alignments.

Session 1

I will look at the heart and begin to work with the things that are the largest impediments to allowing expansion and opening. The session will most likely be of purification, clearing and then aligning nature. There are a multitude of factors that interface with the heart. I will be clearing cellular residues formed by old habits and behavior patterns, which impede and stop energy flows. This will initiate an ongoing process of opening and expanding.

I will do all that we can in this first session to identify, clear, and align all that we are able to at that time. I will initiate an ongoing process of opening and alignment.

Feedback will be given and recommendations will be made to assist in the clearings, openings and alignments.

Session 2

I will evaluate the progress from session 1 and begin more refined clearing, opening and alignment.

I will start to dissolve the walls and shielding around the heart that no longer serves you. During or after traumatic experiences we often put up walls or have built shields around the heart in order to protect ourselves from perceived future disappointments, pain and hurts. This hinders us from connecting with others in a loving way and also influences and shades our decision making in subtle and not so subtle ways in our daily life. The shields and walls effectively block our love from flowing freely from us and our ability to receive and feel love from others.

Feedback will be given and recommendations will be made to assist in the clearings, openings and alignments.

Session 3

I will evaluate the progress from the previous sessions and perform further multidimensional alignments to allow the greatest capacity of heart opening and a continued upward spiral of opening and alignment. You will experience a loving nurturance, a feeling of connectedness and an infusion of new energies. This enables you to connect with higher frequencies, to tap into your own Divine intelligence and to form a stronger connection with your Higher Self. You will be able to be in the world and live and function from a much more connected, loving and heart opened way.

I will give feedback and offer recommendations to assist you in living in a loving heart opened way in the world.

Schedule a session now.

After your payment is processed you will receive a confirmation email with a link to complete the personal information form for your session. Adama will then contact you to schedule a time.

I prefer that you pay by check, if possible. I also accept payment via PayPal or your credit card. Amounts shown are in USD.

If paying by check, send it in the mail to Adama Hamilton. (See details at checkout.)



Client Experiences

Dear Adama
Thank you for the Heart Opening Session.

I feel very happy, calm and fulfilled now.

I have taken a reading session in Sedona in last April and have met my inner child. She was a very little girl and was wearing a red skirt. She was playing on a swing and looked very sad. I couldn’t help but crying big tears, saying “I’m sorry.” to myself for many times.

I have met her again in your session this time. She was wearing a red skirt again, but she was standing on the galaxy this time. There were you, Adama, expanded widely, high above in the universe and gently enfolding her. The next thing I realized, you were standing next to her and holding her shoulders. She was smiling and tears came out of my eyes. The tears were for joy, this time. I highly value this experience.

Thanks to you, I could feel all this. I really appreciate it. Thank you very much. I feel all of these; my sadness, my joy this time, the experience in Sedona and encountering you has come from God. I feel it is time for me now to start doing what I like.

Thank you for your suggestions. I will began to do them little by little. Just close my eyes and think of the kindness you have offered me and my heart gets warm.

Name withheld by Request

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